Brainerd Lakes Vacationland Business Directory
Brainerd City Bus
Crow Wing County Public Transit
Public Transit For:
Work, Shopping, Medical Appointments
& Recreational Activities
The City of Brainerd and Crow Wing County have joined forces to provide public transportation opportunities Crow Wing County. This public transit service is open to the public and is handicapped accessible.
Within the City of Brainerd a dial-a-ride service is available for individual and group needs. Simply call our dispatch number listed below by 1:00 p.m. the day prior to your desired trip and a ride will be arranged for you.
In the greater Crow Wing County area, a combination of flexible routes and dial-a-ride service is available on a limited basis. Again, call the dispatch number by 1:00 p.m. the day prior to your desired trip and a ride will be arranged.
Trips for shopping, medical appointments, work, and recreational opportunities have now become easier through the public transit system. Call us today.
218-825-7433 or 866-925-7433