Baxter Snowmobile Club

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Baxter Snowmobile Club is the oldest snowmobile club in Minnesota. Starting in the early 1960's with 15 charter members, it has grown to over 100 families in 1999.

Located in the heart of the Brainerd Lakes area, the club has developed and maintained the most highly used trails in the state of Minnesota. In the 1960's, the club used a snowmobile and a bed spring to groom trails. Today, we groom over 100 miles of snowmobile trails with the use of a Tucker Sno-Cat. These trails are marked with colored signs and markers which correspond to the color of the trails on the map, which we will make your snowmobiling in the Brainerd Lakes area more enjoyable and fun.

Our trails are groomed twice weekly, Monday, Tuesday and then on Thursday and Friday.