Brainerd VFW Post 1647
The Brainerd VFW Post 1647 has a 1700 square foot meeting area (22-1.2 ft. x 76 ft), with sixteen tables and 88 chairs. It can be divided into two areas which can be closed off or connected to the bar. There is a kitchen too. The facility can be rented or can be used at little or no cost to non-profit organizations. Ensuring rights, recognition, and remembrance of veterans of foreign wars.
- Monday, Hamburgers and more at 5 pm, Bingo at 6 pm
- Tuesday, Tacos at 5 pm, Cribbage at 6 pm
- Wednesday, Wings, Fries and Salads, 4 to 7 pm. "500 cards at 6:30 pm
- Thursday, Hamburgers, Fries and American beer at 5 pm
- 3rd Sunday of the month, Breakfast 8 am to noon