Garage Logic Podcast - 103.9 FM Duluth, MN

Garage Logic Podcast – 103.9 FM Duluth, MN

Garage Logic


Joe Soucheray is the Twin Cities' preeminent purveyor of Common Sense. Well known for his philosophy that "anything that needs to be figured out, can be figured out in the garage," Joe became the self-appointed mayor of Garage Logic, Minnesota, and is also the Fireworks Commissioner.

Garage Logic is more a state of mind than an actual place on a map, though thousands of actual maps have been sold to it's many "residents."

The program is a daily examination of the hottest topics impacting the Twin Cities, untangling the chaotic, and making them understandable with common sense and a sense of humor.

With a support crew consisting of Matt "Rookie" Michalski, Angie Ludwig, newsman John Heidt, traffic reporter Kenny Olson, and Patrick Reusse with sports commentary ... Garage Logic® provides "Morning Show" attitude from 2:00-5:30pm as you finish up your workday and drive home.