Crow Wing County Fair Board & Staff
Crow Wing County Fair: Tuesday, July 30 - Saturday, August 3, 2024
Nathan Hulinsky 320-874-0459
Cassie Feierabend 218-251-3433
Kris Doucimo 218-203-7576
Board of Directors
Tammy Blazek 218-820-8763
Barb Burgwald 218-828-1507
Laci Schindler 218-537-1214
Charles Whitworh 763-645-9390
Gary Doucette 218-838-9671
Sheri Doucimo 770-990-8211
Chris Madsen 320-333-8766
George Burton 218-820-4392
Administrative Assistant
Kathy Stevens 218-839-6042
Bldg. & Grounds Supervisor
Myron Stevens 218-851-2389
Office 218-829-6680
Space Rental Coordinator
Lenora Zino 218-839-6823
Entry Registration
Kathy Kraklau 218-454-0486
Superintendent of Fine Arts
Liz Holt 218-831-3592
Superintendent of Photography
Lou Anderson 218-839-4326
Superintendent of Youth Arts
Kay Johnson 218-829-9709
Superintendent of 4-H Building
Sashanna O’Shea 218-824-1069
Superintendent of Horticulture
Jane Stevens 218-851-0793
Superintendent of Kids Kountry
Gwen Pierzinsk 218-829-5680
Superintendent of Cattle
Bob Dambowy 218-829-8190
Superintendent of Horses
Tammy Blazek 218-820-8763
Superintendent of Poultry
Michelle Bernatsky 218-839-9804
Superintendent of Rabbits
Amanda Malloy 218-838-8536
Superintendent of Sheep, Swine & Goats
Andy Hillman 218-232-2932
FFA Advisor
Magnus Nelson 218-232-3753
Superintendents of Mills Free Stage
Barb Burgwald 218-828-1507
Cassie Feierabend 218-251-3433
Livestock Show Coordinator
Melissa Rahto 218-820-4783
Horse Show Coordinator
Tammy Blazek 218-820-8763
Ag Day Coordinators
Gary Doucette and
Reilly Hettver 218-838-9671
Day Care Day Coordinator
Kathy Stevens 218-839-6042
Kids Day Coordinators
Kris Doucimo and George Burton 218-203-7576
Talent/Teen Day Coordinators
Laci Schindler 218-537-1214
Grandstand Coordinator
Kris Doucimo 218-203-7576
Senior Day Coordinator
Rosanne Caughey 218-831-3376
JoAnn Tuil 218-851-6350
Winter Storage
Official Veterinarian
Ann Domagala 218-825-4963
Fairgrounds Office 218-829-6680
Website: www.crowwingcountyfair.com